Copyright by PresentationLoad
Please read our copyright information carefully before purchasing our products.
Here you can find out which legal conditions are associated with the purchase and use of our products.
Copyright Information
All products offered on the PresentationLoad websites, in particular the PowerPoint presentation templates available at www.presentationload.de and www.presentationload.com, including the diagrams, graphics, backgrounds, maps and flag symbols contained therein, as well as digital signage, texts, images, flags, slides, graphics, maps, layouts, objects and animations (hereinafter: “Products”) are protected by copyright.
The reproduction, making available to the public, distribution and processing of these products is not permitted without the express written consent of PresentationLoad, with the exception of the utilization options expressly permitted under PresentationLoad's terms of use, and may even be punishable by law.
Terms of use / rights to the product
The customer (and the companies affiliated with the customer in accordance with §§ 15 ff. AktG) may only use the products for their own (commercial) use within the scope of the license granted when purchasing from PresentationLoad, but may not make them available to third parties for their business purposes. The content contained in the products (images etc.) may not be used outside the products. The terms of use and rights to the products also apply in full to free products and free slides.
Upon full payment of the remuneration, the customer shall receive the right to use, store, make copies of, reproduce, print out and edit the products and the content contained therein without restriction in terms of time and place. The products may only be used for the customer's own purposes (e.g. in accordance with the customer's statutory purpose).
The customer is not entitled to transfer, sell, offer or distribute the products to third parties against payment or to grant third parties rights to them. The customer may not process, resell, rent or lend the products to third parties for their business purposes. In particular, it is not permitted to use the products as part of an agency activity for third parties.
Download packages and flat rates cannot be provided with a different license address. The purchaser is generally also the user and licensee of the downloaded products. Resale is excluded.
Examples of the authorized and unlawful transfer of products to third parties:
It is not permitted, for example, to transfer the products (unedited or in a modified version) to customers for their internal purposes as part of training courses. What is not permitted in this context, however, is the simultaneous transfer of copyright exploitation rights within the meaning of Sections 15 et seq. UrhG to the customers.
It is also not permitted, for example, to use the products (unprocessed or in a modified version) against payment or free of charge while simultaneously granting third parties processing, reproduction and/or publication rights.
The isolated use of the content contained in the products (images, graphics and maps) outside the products is also not permitted. This means that this content may not be extracted from the products and used elsewhere.
Any other use of the products is strictly prohibited and requires the prior written consent of PresentationLoad. In particular, the customer may not offer the products on other websites, portals or social networks or make them available for download against payment. This also applies to free slides and products.
The purchased products are licensed to a single natural person or, in the case of a valid and unique company address as the license address, to the registered company. The license address must be current, valid and clearly registered. Any change to this requires written notification to PresentationLoad GmbH.
The use of a properly licensed product by third parties or groups of persons and companies whose members do not belong to the company and address stated in the license address is strictly prohibited. As part of the monitoring of our copyright and license rights, we reserve the right to prosecute violations of our license terms.
The customer undertakes to indemnify PresentationLoad on first demand against all claims by third parties which are asserted as a result of a breach of the obligations listed in these GTC and/or other actions by the customer, insofar as these damages are not attributable to PresentationLoad. The customer also undertakes to pay an immediately payable contractual penalty of EUR 10,000 for each case of infringement of these terms of use, excluding the plea of continuation of the infringement. This penalty will be offset against any claim for damages by PresentationLoad; the customer is also entitled to provide evidence of lower damages.
Note: PresentationLoad will take vigorous action to protect its rights, both under civil and competition law and, if necessary, under criminal law against all infringements of copyright and trademark rights. The name “Presentationload” is protected by trademark law. If you are therefore not sure whether your intended use of the products infringes our rights, or if you (e.g. as an agency) are interested in obtaining permission to use our products (beyond the scope of use of the GTC), please contact us at E-mail: info[@]presentationload.de