What makes brainstorming methods so effective?
A well-known approach since 1938, brainstorming is the proven standard for generating new ideas. Numerous brainstorming methods have been developed to stimulate the creativity of participants and facilitate idea generation. The range of brainstorming tools available can be overwhelming. Our brainstorming templates for PowerPoint offer you a curated collection of effective methods for gathering and evaluating ideas in a variety of contexts. Group brainstorming in particular benefits from organized methods, such as painstorming, as they are often susceptible to problematic and inefficient sessions.
How can you benefit from brainstorming templates for PowerPoint?
Group brainstorming can quickly become a waste of time or devolve into endless discussions because different participants with different points of view come together. The potential for promising ideas is just as great as the potential for conflict. To prevent this, well-structured brainstorming sessions with clear rules are key. Individual brainstorming sessions also become more efficient through structure and clear signposts for new ideas. These key elements of a productive brainstorming session are also included in our brainstorming templates for PowerPoint.
The best brainstorming templates in one set
In our Brainstorming Templates for PowerPoint, we have put together all the methods you need to gather and evaluate ideas. Use our PowerPoint templates in your next brainstorming session and develop creative and promising solutions for your individual questions. The best thing about it? You can quickly add your ideas to the brainstorming templates and present them in PowerPoint – all with just a few clicks.
With the Brainstorming Templates for PowerPoint, you can
- use numerous brainstorming methods as convenient PowerPoint templates for your next brainstorming session.
- benefit from helpful tips, best practices and brainstorming rules for the most effective brainstorming.
- encourage the creativity of your brainstorming participants and lay the foundation for promising ideas.
This PowerPoint template includes:
- Brainstorming basics
- Quote
- Brainstorming constellations
- Advantages of group brainstorming
- More advantages of group brainstorming
- Brainstorming process
- When does brainstorming come into play?
- When should brainstorming be used?
- Pitfalls of brainstorming and potential solutions
- 8 brainstorming rules
- Brainstorming mistakes
- Basic brainstorming
- Brainwriting
- Painstorming
- Affinity diagram
- Synectics
- Lotus blossom methoCascading “whys”
- Cascading “hows”
- Design thinking canvas
- Empathy map
- Extreme user interviews
- Starbursting
- Gap analysis
- Idea napkin
- Figure storming
- Role storming
- Reverse brainstorming
- Mind map
- Stepladder technique
- ""What if""
- Wishing
- Crazy 8’s
- Zero draft
- Storyboarding
- Forced connections
- ABC method
- Idea flowchart
- Alphabet method
- Idea profile
- SCAMPER analysis
- Osborn’s checklist
- Pros and cons
- MoSCoW
- Impact-effort matrix
- How-now-wow matrix
- Idea prioritization
- ICE: impact, confidence and ease
- PIE: potential, importance and ease
- Idea scorecard
- Idea fields
- Idea bullseye
- Idea pyramid