The Balanced Scorecard PPT Template
Sixtyfour slides containing definitions, perspectives and tips on how to introduce and use the Balanced Scorecard in your company.
Strategic Corporate Management with the Balanced Scorecard PPT Template
The Balanced Scorecard was developed during a research project in the USA that examined the financial performance indicators of twelve companies. This analysis resulted in the Balanced Scorecard, which summarizes various KPIs of a company and links them to corporate objectives, strategies and concrete measures. The traditional approach focuses on assessing financial values. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) expands on this by adding further perspectives such as customer, internal process and learning /growth perspectives. This allows the BSC to be adapted to different areas of application.
The Balanced Scorecard is an important tool for strategic corporate management. It establishes a link between developing new strategies and putting them into practice. The BSC integrates feedback into its process, which provides information on the success of the respective strategy. This in turn supports the learning process.
Goals of the Balanced Scorecard PPT Template
The Balanced Scorecard is a tool that connects core corporate objectives with relevant performance indicators in a clear and concise presentation, providing a link to various corporate perspectives and higher-level strategies. It goes beyond a simple KPI system by integrating the corporate vision, mission and strategy into a tangible overview of how to achieve sustainable success in the future.
Objectives and strategies are viewed and evaluated from four or more perspectives. The most common perspectives are finance, customers, internal processes and learning/growth. BSC enables the vision, mission, strategy and values of the company to be transparently mapped out, linked and presented in measurable values.
Use this template to explain how BSC works, its advantages, and to implement it in your company. In addition, you can also use interactive scorecard templates with your own content to further assist you in implementing and presenting your BSC.
Introduce and Apply the Balanced Scorecard PPT Template in Your Company
Use these templates to draw a comprehensive picture of the benefits and approach of the Balanced Scorecard. An advantage of using scorecards is the possibility to identify relationships and interactions between strategies by viewing them from different perspectives. The interactive scorecard included in the set enables you to individualize the concept to your company and clearly present objectives and strategies to all stakeholders. The Balanced Scorecard provides you with the opportunity to select and implement the most suitable form for your company.
This PowerPoint set also includes a selection of important KPIs for all company perspectives to help you and your company get started. The Balanced Scorecard-Set for PowerPoint thus offers not only theoretical basics, but also enables you to apply them in a concrete way.
With the Balanced Scorecard Template for PowerPoint, You Can
- expand on strategic business plans
- clearly present business plans
- explain the background and functionality of the Balanced Scorecard
This PowerPoint template Includes:
- basics: history and core characteristics
- a quote
- definitions: features, vision, mission, strategy, values
- BSC perspectives
- cause-and-effect relationships
- making connections with the BSC
- translating strategies into action
- implementing BSC
- common misconceptions
- guidelines for use
- seven steps for your own scorecard
- templates: interactive BSC
- frequently used KPIs