Get off to a successful start in the digital economy with digital transformation
A company that fails to adapt to technological progress will lose out to its competitors in the long term. An effective change strategy is needed to drive the digitalization process in any company. Key players need to be selected and prepared for their responsibilities. With the help of automation and digitalization, company divisions and work processes can be modernized and developed to work more efficiently. Digital transformation brings with it numerous challenges, which is why the entire company has to understand the issue at hand. The right transformation strategy helps all stakeholders to comprehend and follow the stages leading to a transformed company more easily.
Choosing the right digital tools and technologies
Industry has undergone major changes in recent decades. What started in the early 1970s with Industry 3.0, the use of computers and early automation processes, has evolved to Industry 5.0 including the internet of things, artificial intelligence, robots and even augmented reality. These are the new dimensions that modern companies are facing. Digital tools can be used to address these innovative technologies. Data governance, DevOps and OKR are familiar concepts to successful digital companies.
Achieving a digital corporate culture with digital leadership
Transformed companies can only function if all employees are open to change and new digital technologies. Ideally, a digital leader exemplifies this and works to ensure that a digital mindset is firmly embedded in the corporate culture. The consummate digital leader possesses digital skills, is willing to take risks, is courageous enough to embrace change and recognizes emerging trends and developments. In short, a digital leader promotes the digital transformation of a company and its success.
The most vital information on digital transformation in one set
Our latest PowerPoint template provides you with a wealth of information on the various aspects of digital transformation. Visualize different transformation strategies and enhance them with professionally designed slides on digital tools and technologies. Emphasize the importance of digital transformation and a digital mindset and convince employees to embrace change and innovative ideas. Optimally prepare all stakeholders for your planned digital transformation.
With our Digital Transformation PowerPoint template, you can
- present the various aspects of digital transformation.
- present digital technologies and tools.
- illustrate the importance of digital leadership and a digital mindset.
This PowerPoint template includes:
- Quote
- From digitization to digital transformation
- 3 digital steps
- Definition: digital transformation
- Digital transformation: focus on people
- Successful digital transformation: 7 steps
- Digital transformation: stakeholders
- Digital hierarchy of needs
- Digital economy: 4 key elements
- Digital transformation: biggest obstacles
- Dimensions
- Impact levels and repercussions
- Characteristics of digitally transformed companies
- What defines a digital business model?
- Types of digital business models
- Holistic transformation
- Characteristics of a digital corporate culture
- Digital workplace transformation
- A customer-centric approach drives success
- Digital transformation: success factorsDigital value chain
- Digital DNA
- Digital business growth
- Digital business model: opportunities and pitfalls
- The path to a digital business model
- Platform business model canvas
- Transformation strategies
- Organizational change management
- Implementing organizational change management
- Roadmap to a transformed organization
- Strategy map for digital transformation
- Define benefits and goals
- Digital readiness
- E-commerce readiness score
- Digital maturity: levels
- Digital maturity of a company
- Digital maturity matrix
- Digital maturity: network diagram analysis
- The 4 pillars of digital transformation in companies
- Transformation map
- Digital analytics hierarchy of needs
- Big data analytics for strategy development
- Digital transformation canvas
- Digital leadership
- Digital mindset
- Characteristics of a competent digital leader
- Leadership matrix
- Digital leadership responsibilities
- Key digital leader skills
- Digital leadership tasks
- Digital leadership approaches
- Digital expertise
- Digital technologies
- Digital transformation through technology
- Industry 5.0
- AI transformation
- Different types of artificial intelligence
- AI in digital transformation: applications
- AI and customer experiences
- Process automation with RPA
- On-premise vs. cloud
- Internet of things
- Driving forces of digitalization
- Digital tools
- Data governance
- Target definition with OKR
- DevOps approach
- HR transformation
- Applications in HR
- Digital marketing channels
- Marketing digitalization
- Digital twin
- Scrum process
- Visualize digital workflows with Kanban
- Agile vs. waterfall
- Agile vs. traditional work methods